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  Chinese Oolong Tea
Flowery sweet aroma combined with a pleasantly sweet aftertaste, Chinese Oolong tea never loses its appeal no matter how often you drink it. Chinese Oolong tea increases your body energy, promotes metabolism, controls obesity and helps to regulate ageing.
  Chinese Oolong Tea
  • Bai Hao Oolong  
  • Bai Ji Guan  
  • Beidou No 1  
  • Da Hong Pao  (3 types)
  • Dan Cong  (3 types)
  • Dong Ding Oolong  
  • Gui Hua Oolong  
  • Huang Guan Yin  
  • Huang Jin Gui  
  • Jiu Long Pao  
  • Lan Gui Ren  
  • Nai Xiang Oolong  
  • Rou Gui  
  • Shui Xian  (2 types)
  • Tie Guan Yin  (3 types)
  • Tie Luo Han  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha 90s  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing  
  • Yong Chun Fo Shou  
    Beidou No 1
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    Beidou No 1
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Beidou No 1
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    DescriptionRating & ReviewBrewing GuideRecommendations
    The name Beidou means "North Star". The tea leaves of Beidou No 1 are extremely aromatic that you will capture its fruity fragrance as soon as you start filling up your heated gaiwan with this tea. Being the first generation of the Da Hong Pao tea plant species, it is accorded the number “1” status. This aromatic tea has a wonderfully harmonious combination of flowery and fruity taste.

    A little bit on the history of Beidou No. 1:
    In the early 1950s, Mr. Yao Yue Ming started a Da Hong Pao research laboratory. Using a few stems from the original 800 years old Da Hong Pao tea bushes, he successfully created two new tea varieties. However, Mr. Yao's laboratory was later closed down and his research was destroyed during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Yet, he continued his research in secrecy and through his dedication and determination; he finally perfected his creation. He named this tea, Beidou No. 1.

    Other names:
    Bei Dou Yi Hao, North Star Number One

    The tea leaves of Beidou No 1 are extremely aromatic that you will capture its fruity fragrance as soon as you start filling up your heated gaiwan with this tea. This aromatic tea has a wonderfully harmonious combination of flowery and fruity taste.

    Traditional looking Oolong tea. Dark and slightly curled tea leaves.

    Wu Yi Shan, Fujian Province

    Harvest Period:
    Spring 2022

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