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  Chinese Oolong Tea
Flowery sweet aroma combined with a pleasantly sweet aftertaste, Chinese Oolong tea never loses its appeal no matter how often you drink it. Chinese Oolong tea increases your body energy, promotes metabolism, controls obesity and helps to regulate ageing.
  Chinese Oolong Tea
  • Bai Hao Oolong  
  • Bai Ji Guan  
  • Beidou No 1  
  • Da Hong Pao  (3 types)
  • 3 types of Dan Cong
  • Feng Huang Dan Cong  
  • Dan Cong Classic  
  • Song Zhong Dan Chong  
  • Dong Ding Oolong  
  • Gui Hua Oolong  
  • Huang Guan Yin  
  • Huang Jin Gui  
  • Jiu Long Pao  
  • Lan Gui Ren  
  • Nai Xiang Oolong  
  • Rou Gui  
  • Shui Xian  (2 types)
  • Tie Guan Yin  (3 types)
  • Tie Luo Han  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha 90s  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing  
  • Yong Chun Fo Shou  
    Feng Huang Dan Cong
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    Feng Huang Dan Cong
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Feng Huang Dan Cong
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    Great tasting Dan Cong! I made it at below boiling temp by accident and loved it - then tried it at 100 degrees C - i do think this recommended temperature scalds the tea too much into loss of taste.

    Marika (10/7/2020)
    I have received the tea. I purchased it for a friend who moved here fro China.

    Margaret (9/27/2016)
    A refreshing tea with a wonderful aroma and lingering after taste similar to Quan Yin but a little more subtle. I would buy this tea again.

    Andy (8/5/2015)
    Not the best Dan Cong, but good for its price it is alright

    Neil (3/29/2015)
    Some of the Phoenix Forest tea I have ever had, I never had any from the year it was harvested so it was very fresh, slightly fruity, delicately floral with a smooth underlying after taste.

    Ben (8/25/2014)
    A great tea, great floral aroma as always, would buy again

    Neil (7/17/2014)
    Открыла для себя чаи Dan Cong, заказываю регулярно, рекомендую!

    Alena (5/13/2014)
    A nice aromatic tea, it had the same finish where you can taste it an hour later as good Japanese Green Tea. It was not my favorite, but my wife and friend really liked the aroma.

    Blake (5/1/2014)
    A nice Dan Cong but not as good as the Song Zhong Dan Cong

    Neil (1/29/2014)
    Один из моих любимых представителей улунов. Особенный и никогда не надоедает.

    Alena (10/31/2013)
    Not my favourite Dan Cong didn´t have as much flavour as I´d hoped

    Neil (2/26/2013)
    Заказываю этот чай второй раз - очень нравится. Советую попробовать любителям Dan Cong.

    Alena (2/21/2013)
    the fragrance still good, the taste still good, soft fruity after tasted

    Susany (11/27/2012)
    A mouth-filling tea, sweet and elegant, with a strong and long liquerice taste.

    andreina (9/20/2012)
    A mild, sweet Oolong from the Guangdong Province, this tea has a lovely aroma and a "peachy" taste. Unlike some Oolongs, this can be steeped with fully boiling water without bitterness. I´m not sure what the reviewer below means, I´m not picking up any bitterness at all. A reasonably priced, quality Oolong, but not a particularly exciting one.

    Charlie (7/25/2012)
    Необычный аромат, очень хороший чай.

    Anton (7/7/2012)
    i like this tea for its special peachy taste...i will order more later for sure...

    Slava ZM (6/14/2012)
    Интересный чай. Что-то среднее между черным чаем и улуном - легкий аромат орхидеи и персиковое послевкусие. Заказывала для сравнения еще один чай из группы Dan Cong - Song Zhong Dan Chong - последний понравился больше.

    Alena (5/22/2012)
    Unfortunately this one is quite bitter nothing else.

    Attila (4/3/2012)
    This would probably make a decent daily Dan Cong. Sweet aroma that reminded me of Mi Lan Xiang. It´s not a sweet Dan Cong, but it has a strong flavour that makes it much more reminiscent of black tea than oolong. I was surprised at how little bitterness there was in this tea. If you aren´t wild about sweet oolong, this might be your tea.

    Reed (3/29/2012)
    Actually, i think that tea would be like black tea ;) But it was great :)

    Aleksandr (3/17/2012)
    Это неплохой чай, красивый лист, довольно приятный вкус и цвет, но он меня не удивил, я почему-то ожидала большего, просто хороший чай на каждый день, какого-то особого настроения он у меня не вызвал.

    Olga (2/24/2012)
    On hot day, I cold brew it and found it satisfying rather than satisfactory as a rating which often is viewed in relation to its price, the leaf, the processing technique displayed and individual taste. Others, who are better informed in the tasting of the leaf is of course the better source for anyone seeking a competitive comparative.

    Alvin (1/24/2012)
    i like it very much especially the taste of sweet with a peachy flavor, so i buy again

    Triawan (12/29/2011)
    i like it very much especially the taste of sweet with a peachy flavor

    Triawan (12/15/2011)
    Fast delivery this time.Excellent tea with a slight peachy aroma. Highly recommended!!!

    Slava ZM (10/16/2011)
    With a small 6-7 ounce Yixing clay teapot, I was able to extract close to 10 infusions (discarded the first brief rinse of the leaves). The 2nd to 5th infusions were probably the best, but the later infusions were still pleasant. The taste is classic FHDC: light, slight astringency, and sweet. The fragrance is lovely, mainly fruity with mild vanilla/honey notes. The taste does resemble longan fruits, which have a deep, complex, and sweet taste. The color even up to the 10th infusions was always a golden amber tint. The leaves are whole and well prepared. The tea´s wonderful qualities persists throughout the numerous infusions. I did not notice any disagreeable notes or insipid characteristics. With the inexpensive price, this a wonderful FHDC.

    Kei (10/14/2011)
    I just ordered more of this tea.This tea has a wonderful aroma and peachy taste.Good price too.

    Slava ZM (10/1/2011)
    A really nice aroma, reminiscent of osmanthus flower. Almost fruity but not too. And very good value for the price. Not my favorite oolong but I do drink it regularly.

    Shehzad (7/31/2011)
    Wow and again wow! I did not expect this. The first time I tried FenHuang. What a beautiful aroma and flavor and so much more surprising since the dry leaves give no indication what is hidden inside unlike Mi Lan where when opening the tea container one can smell the tea. And more yet, I got a good 10+ infusions, had to split it over 2 days since alone I can drink only so much.

    Peter (7/23/2011)
    This is definitely one of the best teas I´ve ever had. Properly infused it can go well over 3 infusions of awesome flavor. I rate it "good" instead of "excellent" because the one from TeaSpring is just a tad behind some samples I got from China.

    Andrei (7/18/2011)
    Реально хороший улун с ароматом манго или что-то в этом роде. Долгое фруктовое послевкусие. Выдерживает несколько заварок.

    Sergey (6/29/2011)
    Second time buying this Dan Cong. This has now become my "drink every day" tea.

    Lawrence (1/31/2011)
    A bit difficult to get the best out of this one, but when I´m successful, it has a very nice peachy or even longan-like fruitiness to it with just a hint of astringency.

    Terje (1/9/2011)
    This tea has a wonderful aroma, reminiscent of a flower bouquet. The flavor is light and sweet, crisp and to the point. Great fragrant Oolong leaves...

    Christopher (8/30/2010)
    The leaves are long and curled, black and green with a classic tea fragrance that inspires an ´ahh tea´ reaction. Used a green eggshell pot. The first liqor is golden green with a light fruit fragrance, light tannins, refreshing. Sweet smell in cup after drinking. Second infusion (30 seconds); produced a darker liqor fragrance is light but tannins more pronounced. This is a good standard tea, quite refreshing with a nice light fuit fragrance.

    Lawrence (8/21/2010)
    Nice tea for the price. But not extraordinary flavour. Maybe it´s because i tried Tie Guan Yin first.

    Andrei (7/14/2010)
    Excellent oolong. Good for multiple brewing, very aromatic and tasteful. Maybe not the highest class, but certainly high.

    Paweł (7/10/2010)
    This is the 4th time I have bought Feng Huang, my favourite Dan Cong Oolong. I was a little disappointed in again not finding this one to taste anything like the 1st one I purchased. However in itself this is a particularly lovely tea. The leaves themselves have the most delicious burnt, creamy caramel, toffee aroma. The tea itself has a lovely balance of the above flavours but is characterised by a very appealing creamy-ness which makes this a perfect afternoon Oolong. Over all a very nice tea and one which I would reccomend although it is a little too similar to Song Zhong Dang Cong and is (for me) missing the green fresh-ness which my 1st ever taste of Feng Huang made it a particular favourite

    jonathan (6/21/2010)
    This is a very nice tea! It is fruity and sophisticated at the same time.

    Robert (5/20/2010)
    Pleasant tea!!! Nice floral taste and smooth peachy aftertaste!!!!!!

    Anna (3/6/2010)
    Very good tea for the price. After 3+ infusions, it still tastes excellent. Peachy taste, will definitely try more Dan Cong in the future.

    Jean (1/27/2010)
    superb peachy flavor. I brewed hot and short in a small red clay pot and got great results for multiple infusions. I recommend this tea whole heartedly.

    Christopher (11/24/2009)
    A most excellent Tea! Exotic sweet flavor, one of my favorite teas! I will buy this one over and over again.

    Wayne (9/4/2009)
    the taste just like the other ordinary oolong, just the smell at the first time is different

    tony (8/28/2009)
    Good dan cong, and my expectatios weren´t all that. Complex flavour that needs some attension, but very rewarding.

    Terje (8/19/2009)
    Excellent, Excellent! This latest batch of Fung Huang DC comes with a different lot number, yet retains the same high quality taste as the last lot. Hot water and short steepings will yield many infusions of this DC, each having it´s own enjoyable taste characteristic. It´s a challenge to get the right quantity of leaf in your strainer, due to it´s long, twisted style. I´ve found more is better, due to short steep times. The tea will "pay you back" on the other end with more tasty infusions. Enjoy!

    John (7/8/2009)
    Very good tea through multiple cups. The first cups have a gingery stone fruit taste and the final cups taste of gardenias.

    Ryan (6/10/2009)
    The taste is very smooth. Love the peachy after taste. One of the loveliest teas I´ve ever tasted. I highly recommendit to all tea lovers.

    Jenni (5/31/2009)
    I had placed an order for Feng Huang Dan Cong, but by mistake TeaSpring sent me a package of Song Zhong Dan Cong. I did not complain since I received the higher grade of tea! So this review will be for Song Zhong Dan Cong, which is wonderful. The tea has a lovely fruity smell and taste. It almost has a "tartness" to it. It reminds me of lychees. SZDC is an extremely high quality tea. Sorry that the excellent rating here will be for SZDC and not for FHDC, which I have yet to try. Try SZDC, if you can -- you will not be disappointed.

    Kei (5/13/2009)
    Excellent tea with a slight peachy aroma. Highly recommended

    Thomas (4/5/2009)
    good dan cong, more floral notes present than fruit ones. the leaves are beautiful and long with yellow stems. very pleasant tea

    Sergio (4/1/2009)
    An excellent Oolong. Although leaf is completely different, liquor and taste reminds me of a superb Tie Guan Yin, with one exception: TGY is light enough to use in a Yixing clay mug with side leaf receptacle, leaving the leafs for multiple infusions. Using this method with Feng Huang Dan Cong tends to make the liquor tannic and bitter, it is best used as other reviewers have recommended, a quick 2 minute infusion with boiling water and remove the leafs. Use a longer brew time for subsequent infusions. With the proper preparation, you will enjoy many enjoyable infusions of this awesome Dan Cong Oolong. John 03/16/09

    John (3/16/2009)
    I´m not sure what to think about this tea, so I will focus on the description given on this site for it and elaborate on those points. First, it may bit hard to notice from the single picture posted for the tea, but the dry leaves are stunning. They´re multi hued, with the stems standing out in light yellow, the leaves a more subdued green, and some of the tips a dark crimson. Second, the description on the site claims that these leaves are fragrant even before being steeped. Perhaps they are. Personally, I did not find a very noteworthy aroma, especially when compared to, say, a green Tie Guan Yin. Once steeped, the leaves indeed give off a sweet, fruity smell. The same can be said of the liquid -- sweet but with an astringent bite to it. It may take some imagination, however, to be able to attribute either the smell or taste to a longan. Last note on this tea is to not use boiling water to steep it. Although this tea may have bifurcated off a Shui Xian strand, it is very little like its hearty cousin. Do tread lightly!

    Vuong (2/16/2009)
    I kept this for special occasions. It is excellent after dinner. The bouquet is replete with subtle notes, balanced and hard to separate. The lingering finish moves from smoky to rose to honey. Never fails to elicit oohs and ahs from guests.

    Rolf (12/17/2008)
    Enjoying this one very much: gentle peachy aroma, lingering taste, long beautiful leaves. But I don´t think this one is the best for gong fu.

    Olga (8/7/2008)
    First review & first Dan Cong experience was memorable & special. Beautiful, long brown leaves & aroma. First 3 steeps were 45 seconds, with wonderful aroma, color, & flavor. Definite fruit notes, with peach-like back end lingering; though not as much as a quality Tie Guan Yin. With each cup the flavor slowly fades, but the nutty bite remains (not bitter). Seven quality steeps! Quick Birthday delivery....Thanks!!!

    SCOTT (5/18/2008)
    It took me a while to discover how best to prepare this tea. It´s flavors can be specific to water temperature and steeping times. Now that it has taught me to treat it properly it has become a favorite. It seems less tannic and less heady than the Wuyi Rock oolongs but is , by no means, timid. This tea has the longest leaves I´ve yet seen. The coppery brew has a slight sweetness and mild roasted notes.

    Kim (5/9/2008)
    Se possibile anche più profumato e "gustoso" dei suoi fratelli maggiori. Fruttato, lungo, belle foglie ha tutte le qualità speriamo solo che le mantenga. Riproverò con piacere

    Andrea (3/12/2008)
    I really like all the Dan Congs, but I think I liked this one the most (which isn´t saying a whole lot since they´re all great). Dan Congs are interesting right off the bat with them being uncurled, full leaves. And This one, while it does tend to have a strange, slightly bitter back-end, it has a nice fruity-like taste to it. Good stuff.

    Michael (3/8/2008)
    Fruity and fine! Nice round stone fruit aroma and overtones in this lovely amber cup. Slightly astringent with a nutty flavour in the background. Not as complex as other Dan Congs, but sweet, peachy and seductive nonetheless. Good Springtime liquor.

    Jeanna (Shen) (3/4/2008)
    An excellent Oolong tea! A hint of fruity flavor, like peaches… and on the light side, not strong. Now one of my favorite teas! I will be ordering more.

    Wayne (9/24/2007)
    Sweet, fruity aroma. Leaves are long and curled. Color is golden brown - good to drink in a glass Guaiwan.

    Jana (9/18/2007)
    Great tea for GongFu. Strong and subtle. Do not overbriew!

    Armandas (8/21/2007)
    Satisfactory Phoenix flavor when i bought this fall 2006, and it had a stale flavor a few months later. and i had it well stored. normally i would expect the type of leaf to hold its flavor longer

    martin (4/20/2007)
    Aromatic, sweet and fruity but also a little bitter. I need to pay close attention when brewing but I did enjoy this tea.

    Celinda (3/20/2007)
    I just can’t seem to figure out how to brew this. Either I get it really weak or undrinkably strong. I am unable to find the middle of the road and I hereby officially throw in the towel.

    anon (2/7/2007)
    Sweet flavor with a trace of bitterness--just as it should be for this fine oolong.

    Jennifer (1/4/2007)
    Sour and bitter tea. Definetly much below expectations.

    Kim (11/5/2006)
    Great tea for GongFu. Strong and subtle.

    Armandas (8/7/2006)
    This was a wonderful tea.

    Rebecca (7/11/2006)
    The tea turned out more than I expected, excellent tea, highly recommended. and the followup service is great.

    Linda (4/21/2006)
    Good tea, with a taste of orchid and jasmine and with aftertaste of apricot and pear, this tea makes an excellent every day tea, with a price this low.

    Nicholas (2/7/2006)
    This tea varies in quality. A good batch has a sublime mixture of darkish oolong and lychee flavor. My last batch was just bitter however.

    Greg (1/24/2006)
    sweet and mild. very good!

    Richard (10/21/2005)
    Fine tea, for the money this is a good tea, it is as expected of quality Dancong. There are better Dancong teas on the market, but they cost more.

    Alexander (10/8/2005)

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