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  Chinese Herbal Tea
Looking for a caffeine-free alternative? Try Chinese Herbal tea. Chinese Herbal tea contains herbal tisanes formulated to taste delicious and refreshing while helping to keep your mind relaxed and body rejuvenated.
  Chinese Herbal Tea
  • Buckwheat Tea  (2 types)
  • Chrysanthemum  (4 types)
  • Eight Treasures Tea No 1  
  • Gingko and Green Tea Blend  
  • Honeysuckle Flower  
  • Jasmine Bud  
  • Jiao Gu Lan  
  • Kuding Tea  
  • Lavender  
  • Osmanthus Flower  
  • Qian Ri Hong  
  • Red Rosebud  
  • Wolfberry  
    Jiao Gu Lan
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    Jiao Gu Lan
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Jiao Gu Lan
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    Excellent tea for me if I have a cold. Delicious and and helps with the cold.

    Jenni (4/7/2016)
    Very different tea didn´t expect the great taste. I will be buying this again

    andrew (11/26/2014)
    First time drinking this tea. Usually I do not drink herbal teas. Is nice. A little bit strange to my taste. Will I buy it again ? I do not know.

    Ionut (8/28/2014)
    This shipment is a little different than a previous order, and I like the taste better (the other was overly strong). Very pleasant and calming without being soporific.

    Jessie (8/14/2014)
    Interesting vegetal taste -- quite good actually. Can´t vouch for the medicinal benefits, but it supposedly is quite good for you.

    Shehzad (6/27/2014)
    This tea is different from batches I´ve received in the past. The leaves look younger and the taste doesn´t quite match up to previous years. Still good tonic.

    Christopher (3/18/2014)
    Not sure what this is, i ordered earlier jiao gu lan and this tastes/smells/looks nothing like the real stuff. It is very green when infused and tastes like grass. Big disappointment this stuff.

    Wouter (2/2/2014)
    Very interesting, strong taste with sweet aftertaste. Relaxing tea.

    Teemu (1/9/2012)
    Herbal tonic worthy of commemoration. Same quality as last batch I bought.

    Christopher (12/24/2011)
    I can´t complain about this tea. This batch was slightly different; Its stemmier and gritter than batches I recieved in past. Overall no loss in flavor or body; just harder to break up for serving.

    Christopher (12/9/2011)
    I dont like taste of this tea,but its herbal tea so ill drink it when ill get sick or something.Thank you.

    Slava ZM (11/17/2011)
    This tea did again. Stopped my persistent morning cough on second day with one cup in the morning before breakfast.

    Peter (10/16/2011)
    Thanks, got it, taste great and will see how my arthritis feels in a week or so of having Jiao Gu Lan everyday.

    Judith (10/10/2011)
    Pleasant sweet flavor. Great caffeine free alternative. Will order again.

    Garrett (9/12/2011)
    This gynostemma tea tastes a bit like seaweed with a candy-like flavor too. It isn´t bitter like the store bought one I got a little while ago. But most of all, after drinking this tea I was able to doze off quite naturally when I took a nap. I´ve been having sleep related problems.

    Ronald (8/9/2011)
    I haven´t had much herbal teas before and found this to be hard to drink- the sweet and bitter flavor from the recommended steep time was no good for me. However, I decided to try again and steeped one spoonful for a little less than a minute and got a more pleasant cup that was less bitter and slightly creamy sweet. With a less steeping time, this was great for multiple infusions, a great evening tea for nights when I can´t fall asleep and as a ice tea! Will purchase again!

    Anita (8/7/2011)
    This tea did again. Stopped my persistent morning cough on second day with one cup in the morning before breakfast.

    Peter (5/26/2011)
    A very sweet and refreshing tea. I drink this tea every morning. Without it my day will start very badly.

    Jenni (5/17/2011)
    I´ve been consuming this tea now for over a year and I can say for sure that it has contributed greatly to my weight loss, I´ve managed to remove another 30 pounds, making a total of 60 pounds removed in one year. Of course I quit eating 3rds and 4ths helpings of food and I target healthier choices of food but it´s obvious to me that consuming four cups of this tea on a workday basis has made a difference in my ability to remove those excess pounds that put me in the 1X size. I have shared this tea with anyone who asks because I believe we are all here to share what we learn with each other. In case you are wondering I have not been exercising, that´s why I attribute my success to this tea. Good luck to you! Carol Ring

    Carol (4/29/2011)
    A very sweet and refreshing tea. Usually my morning cup. Really helps to clear the sinuses.

    Jenni (3/11/2011)
    A very sweet tasting tea. Perfect when you are having a cold, makes you feel so much better. Usually this tea is my first cup of the day, it is wonderful.

    Jenni (3/10/2011)
    The tea was received promptly. The quality of the product is excellent. This is my 3rd week on the tea and all of the pain in my joints is gone. I don´t remember the last time I was pain free, it´s been years. Also, I sleep through the night, I had been waking up between 3-4am everyday which was beginning to wear me out during the workweek. The primary reason I began drinking the tea is for its antioxidants that help regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It looks like I am receiving many other benefits of this tea.

    Carmen (2/21/2011)
    The quality of the tea is excellent. The flavor is good and the tea does not become bitter if it is steeped too long.

    Carmen (2/21/2011)
    Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food. This particular herb has a unique aroma and a unique taste. There is a discernible aftertaste that is quite pleasant, though I can only compare it to Lan Gui Ren oolong. Overall, another low-priced, good-tasting herbal.

    James (1/20/2011)
    This herb tea is interesting to me. The taste is mildly sweet like stevia or licorice root(gan cao), with lingering bitter flavor. The aroma is strong much like an herbal liqueur. Its claim as a longevity tonic can be disputed; but I do feel in better spirits when I drink this tea.

    Christopher (1/20/2011)
    Excellent tea.I thought it´ taste won´t be good cause it´s medicine but I was wrong)) And I really feel better after cup of this herb.

    Pavel (1/6/2011)
    very good medicine and taste keep it up. I can´t feel any longevity in it though.

    Kong (10/30/2010)
    Several years ago I gained 50 extra pounds within a 6 month period. I´ve been consuming this tea daily during the week and found that it has helped me remove 30 of those extra pounds for which I am very pleased. It´s only been since January of 2010 that I have been drinking this tea on a workday basis and I´m very pleased to reap these results. Thanks, Carol Ring

    Carol (7/23/2010)
    Good taste and healthyness do not always come in one package. This is not the case :). It has specific, sweet taste which i like. I would give 3 stars for the taste, 5 stars for health-giving qualities and 5 stars for good mood after drinking this tea. You dont have 13 star rating here, so I will rate this tea as Excelent :)

    Andrei (7/14/2010)
    A very interesting taste that takes awhile to get used to. It is sweet and bitter at the same time.

    Tyler (6/21/2010)
    I have now received the third order of Jiao Gu Lan tea. Each one seems to be a different product or brand and the taste is different and brewing seems to differ as well. Packaging also differs. Is this a matter of concern? I would like consistency in product to be certain that I am receiving the best quality tea possible. The second order may have been superior. Cordially, Paul M.

    Paul (6/3/2010)
    My favourite tea. Definitely must try. Great for good mood and lack of energy

    Miljenko (3/10/2010)
    This tea has a very sweet taste, maybe a bit too sweet in my oppinion. Makes you feel great, especially if a cold is trying or has caught up with you.

    Jenni (2/1/2010)
    This tea is a real mystery to me just had it first time-it pungent,very little goes along way-for such a delicate tea leaf its is powerful-definitely a strange taste to me-but for the peculiar flavor it has just does leave me with a sense of something new to me-Ill try to make it with way less tea and perhaps will get it to a desired taste-of course this is an herb tea-so its not really a tea-mk

    michael (10/21/2009)
    very good quality of the leaves. you can drink this tea. its not bitter has a subtle taste of honey. We´ll see if the health benefits will occur

    Christian (9/23/2009)
    Very good quality, mostly leaves and no stems. The taste is sweet. It will remain sweet after multiple infusions. A great health tea.

    Wouter (9/9/2009)
    My fav herbal tea. If you wanna stay healthy this is the best choice.

    Miljenko (7/5/2009)
    Unbrewed, it looks as depicted in the picture and brews to a mostly clear "oolongish" yellowish green. I typically mix this with some Wolfberry to balance the freshly cut grassy seaweed scent/flavor with some woodiness. There is some very light marshmallow scent/flavor in there as well.

    Tim (5/18/2009)
    На вкус бяка, но кто сказал что лечебный чай должен быть вкусным?!

    Sergey (4/11/2009)
    This is one of my favourite teas. It´s beneficial influence you can feel. Great for kidney and mood. It will lift you up and make you feel great. What´s amazing, it will help you with any kind of depression:)

    Miljenko (1/2/2009)
    This is one of my favourite teas. It´s beneficial influence you can feel. Great for kidney and mood. It will lift you up and make you feel great.

    Miljenko (1/1/2009)
    the tea tastes very sweet, light and refreshing!!!

    gina (10/27/2008)
    the taste is a little strong at first. i mix it with other herbs to make a great morning beverage... would buy again

    Robert (8/16/2008)
    I can´t comment on whether or not this tisane has any actual health benefits, but it tastes fine--very palatable, and it really does finish sweet with an aftertaste that´s both long and pleasant. I brewed three infusions at two minutes each and combined them all in a pitcher for morning consumption (I like things of this type served cold). Very nice product; I want to have my mom give it a try for her fibromyalgia.

    Karen (3/1/2008)
    Still purchasing more of this delightful tea. If you would like the formula for the tea mixture for pain and inflammation. Send me a note to jameshum@msn.com and make sure that the word ´tea´ is in the subject line or I will not open it. Teaspring has all but one of the ingrediants for the mixture and I am sure they would love for you to purchase and try out the teas they offer. Teasprings teas are so far the best and freshest I have found.

    James (2/27/2008)
    Gave this as a gift. We use it to produce a tea that helps fight inflammation and swelling in athritic joints. It has helped many and works wonders. The quality is always top rated. Always quick delivery and no matter what address it goes to. The material is in excellent condition. The resultant tea mixture has gave many who tried it a freedom from pain that prescription drugs can not obtain. It has not any known side effects as prescription drugs do.

    James (2/27/2008)
    Delicious. Can’t go wrong with this one. Would like to sample this 5 years from now.

    michael (11/5/2007)
    i drink it every day. helps me to sleep. highly recommended

    Michael (10/31/2007)
    i drink it every day. helps me to sleep. highly recommended

    Michael (10/31/2007)
    i drink it every day. helps me to sleep. highly recommended

    Michael (10/31/2007)
    The freshness of this tea and its packaging proves to be a well accepted item in the home. Currently used in mixture to help relieve pain from arthritis and stenosis problems. The final mixture is soothing and reduces the pain and suffering considerably. This is one of the few ’tea’ items I have located that does so much more than just taste good. It works.

    James (9/10/2007)
    I was very, very surprised when I first tasted this. Like the Kuding tea, it took me a while to get used to it, but now I find myself craving a cup of Jiao Gu Lan every once in a while.

    Matthew (6/4/2007)
    wildly grassy sweet herb. very green and fresh feel.

    martin (4/20/2007)
    The taste is very hard to get used to, as it is very bitter. I add a spoonful of honey and it helps to sweeten it up a little bit.

    Angele (3/29/2007)
    This really threw me off the first time I drank it. It is simply... odd; from the taste to the colour. It’s not bad, but not much to my personal preference.

    Toni (3/7/2007)
    very good flavor was very pleased with this herbal. good flavor not to sweet and very smooth, good afternoon tea

    william (3/5/2007)
    my first time tasting this. it didn’t pass my lips a second time. i tried to like it though. i don’t recall the sweetness others perceived. this certainly is not on the same level taste wise as a nice green tea. health benefits compared to green tea may be debatable. just wasn’t my cup of tea.

    moon (3/2/2007)
    i do prefer green tea to these kinds of tea although i didnt expect it to taste nice it is drinkable especialy for health

    john (2/5/2007)
    the best of all herbals

    Michael (11/25/2006)
    unique smokey taste its a tea you will either love or not care for; I love it

    rich (11/1/2006)
    can’t describe the smell but I love it. perfect sweet taste of ginseng I’ll buy some more very soon !

    Michael (9/20/2006)
    This is an amazing tea that,I find, is best with no additives and when brewed for a longer period of time. I feel the effects of this tea more than any other I have ever tried. Taste is an 8, Experience in a 10. This is by far my favourite tea and I recomend it to everyone.

    Alex (9/17/2006)
    distinct taste, with a sweet after taste

    Jenni (9/9/2006)
    I love this tea. I first tried it in China, and couldn’t believe how subtle, yet tasty a tea could be. Am also impressed with the medicinal benefits. Would recommend this tea for evening consumption to encourage relaxation and calm!

    Karen (8/15/2006)
    I ordered this tea just out of curiosity, but it’s an unexpected winner! Usualy I don’t drink herbal tea’s because of the lack of (after) taste. This one however has an exceptionaly good, strong and lasting taste. The closest description to the taste I can come up with is sweet liquorice with a bit of pepper. It’s my favorite tea at the moment.

    Robin (6/5/2006)
    This is a good herbal tea. Its smell isn’t nice, but the taste is fine. A pleasent drink that benefits your health.

    Erik (5/1/2006)

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