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  Chinese Black Tea
Tastes thick and robust. Tea connoisseurs appreciate Chinese Black tea as a beverage with various purifying qualities. Chinese Black tea blends easily with other flavors to create a rich and exquisite taste. Regular consumption of Chinese Black tea can reduce risk of stroke.
  Chinese Black Tea
  • 1979 Series Keemun Black Tea   
  • Bai Lin Jin Zhen  
  • Bi Luo Chun Hong Cha  
  • Keemun  
  • Keemun Hao Ya A  
  • Keemun Mao Feng  
  • Keemun Xian Zhen  
  • Lapsang Souchong  (3 types)
  • Rose Keemun  
  • Sichuan Gongfu  
  • Tan Yang Jing Zhi  
  • Tan Yang Te Ji  
  • Yi Hong Jing Pin A  
  • Ying De Hong  
  • Yunnan Gold  
  • Yunnan Pure Gold  
  • Zhu Hai Jin Ming  
    Keemun Hao Ya A
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    Keemun Hao Ya A
    (rating: 4.6 out of 5)
      Keemun Hao Ya A
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    Si conferma fra i miei te preferiti per la mattina aroma complesso semplice da fare perché non diventa mai amaro

    Tommaso (3/6/2023)
    This is a lovely tea, I would put it as "Very Good" (between Excellent and Good). Its flavor is never bitter yet it brews a nice strong cup.

    Uzi (11/22/2021)
    Fra i Keemun è il mio preferito l´aroma complesso un infuso dolce morbido e il numero uno per la mattina. si conferma un ottimo acquisto.

    Tommaso (4/2/2021)
    A rich , bracing and fragrant tea with deep floral tones.

    Uzi (1/26/2021)
    Fantastico tea nero aromi complessi e persistenti e un sapore squisito che non risente di infusioni poco attente.

    Tommaso (9/17/2020)
    Keemun Hao Ya left me wondering. If is excellent just because I have not grown up to it yet. I loved the feel and taste but brewing was tricky.

    Marika (12/27/2019)
    è fra i miei preferiti. la sua dolcezza il gusto morbido e assolutamente mai acido l´aroma complesso. non posso farne a meno per la colazione.

    Tommaso (11/8/2019)
    Eccellente. Aroma e gusto morbidissimi. è il te per eccellenza per la colazione.

    Tommaso (2/27/2019)
    I received everything in good order. Thank you for your always excellent service and products! This Keemun is lovely. It is fragrant with a wonderful aftertaste. I take it with milk or half and half and it holds up well.

    margaret (3/5/2016)
    This is such a high quality Keemun. Very clean, clear, creamy, and smooth. Tastes very vanilla-chocolaty creamy good!!

    Lee (1/26/2015)
    fra i keemun è ormai il mio preferito. non potrei farne a meno per la mattina.

    Tommaso (7/30/2013)
    A very nice smoky Chinese black. Not quite as nice as keemun xian zhen, but still a very tasty flavour with no bitterness.

    Matthew (2/8/2013)
    aroma fantastico. il profumo è persistente e sfuma verso una tonalità dolcissima verso la fine.

    Tommaso (3/15/2012)
    Strong body with floral hints. I think this tea´s strength is such that it needs to be cut with some milk. Later infusions don´t need milk and you can experience the tea´s mellower side.

    Philip (1/28/2011)
    un po’ costoso. Per questo prezzo mi aspettavo qualcosa di più; ma è comunque un buon tea con un aroma presente. Qualche perplessità per le dimensioni delle foglie che in foto sembravano quasi intere ma nella realtà le ho trovate molto più piccole e frammentate.

    Tommaso (1/16/2011)
    The first and second time I used this tea I was not really convinced. I had treated it like my other regular breakfast teas, a one time big infusion and 6 to 8 minutes steeping. Now I infuse cup after cup (250 ml) and steep for 2 minutes. This brings out the beauty of this wonderful tea, aroma and flavor.

    Peter (1/15/2011)
    I got the items within the promised time frame, so I am ok with the 14 waiting period. However, I am not satisfied with the tea quality. The tea leaves after brewal are small and fractional and the aroma is distant, it doesn´t look like the photo posted here. I would say this tea sold here definately is not of a high grade of its kind.

    Ming (1/14/2011)
    This keemun is one of the best KM, high quality tea leaves and flavor is strong and smooth. hints of wheat and feels earthy in the mouth. too much tea leaves result to a bitter brew, price seems steep but i think its worth it for good chinese black. used boiling water and a short steeping time, <2mins.

    Wen Jun (12/11/2010)
    A favourite for me, Keemun, and this one did not disappoint at all.

    anon (9/26/2010)
    Very good with a faint smoky finish. One of the many good keemuns available from Teasprings.

    Christopher (9/27/2009)
    This tea has that classic Keemun taste and also a classic Chinese black tea taste. Smooth, mellow, rich, strong, complex, with overtones of roses and florals without any harsh edges. PERFECTION is good word for this Keemun tea! A great product and highly recommended!

    Kei (9/13/2009)
    premium one, better than Keemun Black Tea, king of black traditional tea

    Alexey (12/31/2008)
    This one is always a favorite and my preferred black. :)

    anon (6/8/2008)
    This is a very strong tea with a distinct aroma. I´m not sure what the original English breakfast tea tasted like, but it sure doesn´t taste like this anymore.

    Vuong (5/20/2008)
    Veyr rich in flavor and as the description says, pretty hard to oversteep

    john (5/13/2008)
    I thought I would try a Chinese red tea (Black for the westerners). I am a fan of the black teas as found in Britain and Americas. I tried this for afternoon tea and had some mixed thoughts. I think that my palate is a little spoiled by the stronger flavour of typical English black tea. I did my best to rate this one in a difference catagory though. It´s a very smooth tea, I actually tried the claim that you can´t over-infuse it and that is very true, it never seems to get bitter. I thought this tea was tasty but I can´t see myself sipping this one for afternoon tea. I am very glad to have tried this tea.

    Jerod (3/11/2008)
    Quite tasty. I usually prefer black tea but this will fit nicely into my collection.

    Joseph (2/22/2008)
    I like this tea, even though I normally just drink green and oolong tea, this is great for some variation

    Yu Bo (10/27/2007)
    Nice, warming and malty red tea. It does that ’smoke on the water’ thing that good keemun should

    Gary (9/21/2007)
    This is the best Black Tea I have ever tasted. But I am not a Black Tea drinker. I drink Green Tea and White Tea almost exclusively (and Pu’ er), preferring the milder teas. This one is very nice and tasty, without the heavy "smokey" flavor of other black teas. So I think Green Tea lovers will like this Black Tea.

    Brian (9/19/2007)
    An excellent quality black tea. I didn’t find the taste quite as good as my last batch but still a fine tea getting better till the third brew.

    David (9/16/2007)
    xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Manuel (7/27/2007)
    Simply a great black tea. Very smooth to taste and able to brew several times... each time it gets better!

    David (6/15/2007)

    If you have purchased this tea before and wish to review it, please login to your account and click on the Review & Rate item link.
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