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  Chinese Oolong Tea
Flowery sweet aroma combined with a pleasantly sweet aftertaste, Chinese Oolong tea never loses its appeal no matter how often you drink it. Chinese Oolong tea increases your body energy, promotes metabolism, controls obesity and helps to regulate ageing.
  Chinese Oolong Tea
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    Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing
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    Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing
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    This tea is one of my favorate as it has such a sweet aroma. The only draw-back it last only for 2 infusions no matter how I try. Accordingly I adjust my use of this tea, brewing new after second infusion..

    Peter (3/30/2011)
    This oolong bing provides a very consistent taste. It has a wonderful aroma. The cakes come at a very reasonable price. My one criticism --the latest Wu Yi Yan Cha cake that I received was so dense/compact that I literally had to saw into it with a foot-long serrated knife. Gamey, to say the least! However, once you get it started, this bing can be very rewarding. Recommended as long as you´re willing to put some effort into it.

    James (3/3/2011)
    I bought my first Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing a while ago, and have almost finished it off. I´d like to hold on to this one for a few years, but I know that I´ll probably cut into it before then -- it´s really a delicious tea.

    James (1/18/2011)
    The bing looks good and the tea is tasty! I´ll store it a bit longer to see how it develops.

    Terje (11/17/2010)
    An excellent oolong tea cake. This one is very affordable. Looking forward to aging it.

    James (6/2/2010)
    it is a good tea, but probably it would be better in several years.

    Ricardo (5/12/2010)
    Good strong tea. It should mellow out in a few years. I will keep this tea for later.

    Ryan (4/18/2010)
    This is my third order of 2 cakes each. This tea has become my regular late morning tea and every day I am looking forward to inhale the sweet aroma and to enjoy the flavor. As an oolong it is difficult to compare since it is unique and to me just good. 2 teaspoonful of tea gives me 2 infusions of 250 ml each with water just to boil, steeping each for about 2.5 minutes.

    Peter (4/13/2010)
    When I tried the 2008 crop I was not really convinced. Now a year later it has much improved and I really developed a liking for this unique flavor of this oolong. I still keep a 2007 bing.

    Peter (11/17/2009)
    I would experiment with some roasting times at around 160-180 degrees-for 20 minutes-or lower temps-this tea is not a great tea-but maybe with some work it could be-Im not sure Ben

    michael (10/3/2009)
    Tasted like pu-erh with a unique sweetness. Would recommend the tea for anyone who likes teas with a powerful taste.

    Jenni (6/11/2009)
    Might be best to age this, it was good and it was bad.

    Daniel (4/9/2009)
    Very delicate tea, and then his packaging unique..., I can recommend it as other ones only

    Viktor (3/23/2009)
    i have to rate this tea for everyone. Very good tea and affordable for the price. Medium roast.. Sweet and smooth after taste.

    Budy (2/26/2009)
    This tea being from the wu yi mountains does share a few charcteristicts of oolong tea from wu yi.

    Robert (2/22/2009)
    Nice strong flavor, with a sweetness that reminds me of raisins. I like it quite a lot, and will likely order it again.

    Catherine (12/5/2008)
    Altogether a different oolong tea experience and a rather pleasant one. I had one problem so first, I drunk it like my pu-erhs´ as a night cap. That kept me awake.

    Peter (11/2/2008)
    Very interesting product. I am keeping it for further aging.

    Erik (10/30/2008)
    Makes good tea to go with dim sum and tastes unmistakably Chinese, but nothing really special.

    Slava (10/17/2008)
    lighter than other oolongs but can get bitter, I use less steep time then average

    john (5/13/2008)
    How cool -- an oolong cake. This has to be brewed right to get the most benefit. I got it right once -- short steeps in a gaiwan, gongfu style -- and it was sweet, chocolatey, very aromatic and not bitter or overpowering. But I tried it again using a glass teapot and I couldn´t get it right. I´ll keep trying. For the price, great tea.

    Dave (5/12/2008)
    Great value for money. Nice package. Mouthwatering aroma, good taste. I think, I´m going to buy one more for aging.

    Uno (4/14/2008)
    A simple but rich and robust Wu Yi Yan Cha in a good value and easy to transport by horseback Bing. Will it become as good as the Wu Yi Yan Cha 90s ?

    Michael (4/14/2008)
    Surprisingly well rounded for the price. A delicious oolong.

    Chad (4/11/2008)
    This is my second time ordering this tea. Needless to say (but I´ll say it anyway), I think this is a good tea! One note is that this is an aged tea and so the quality of the tea is supposed to change with its age. However, I did not find this batch of tea is be noticeably different from what I ordered about six months ago. Perhaps six months isn´t long enough for the tea to change its character, and perhaps it´s my poor palate, but it will be interesting to keep trying the tea to see what unfolds.

    Vuong (4/11/2008)
    Its a little bit strange tea for me because I´ve never tried a tea like that before. It has a green tea taste but more intense. Generally I liked that tea.

    vyacheslav (4/2/2008)
    Very interesting...a wu yi oolong in bing form! As a wu yi it stands on it own nicely, and I look forward to see how well it will age. But it is still worthy of drinking right away.

    Michael (3/8/2008)
    It took quite a lot of effort for me to break up this tea! Once I was able to do that, however, I enjoyed ithe tea’s full mouth-feel and slightly earthy aroma. Perhaps this is a good introduction to those looking to taking the plunge into drinking pu-erhs.

    Vuong (12/26/2007)
    Strong, bracing and well presented. Not the most refined or complex yan cha but certainly worth the price. Oh, and of course it’s got novelty value as well as a bonus!

    Gary (11/22/2007)
    A fine wuyi oolong, dark and deep mellow taste, a little roasted. It’s good that it has a long shelftime. You definitely want to save some for later!

    Oskar (10/29/2007)
    Great value for money. A good, strong and robust character. Not as complex as some, far more expensive, wuyi oolongs but certainly tasty. It looks great too!

    Gary (10/2/2007)
    An interesting selection. Never having had this tea, I broke apart my first disk and enjoyed the roasted warmness of this autumny disk and had a few pots before considering a reorder. The taste is worth the novelty!

    Jeanna (Shen) (10/2/2007)
    this is the second time i have purchest this product. its a grate tea and its cool to beable to age an oolong. i highly recomend it for the price.

    ryan (9/26/2007)
    This tea is excellent. Like a concentrated oolong, with subtle smokey chocolate hints. Very smooth and great depth of flavour. A great deal at this price! Will be ordering more in future.

    Brian (9/24/2007)
    Very nice smell but not best taste I ever had. Will surely get better with age.

    Kim (9/23/2007)
    Wow! What a pleasant surprise! Never having tried a "pressed" oolong before, I really didn’t know what to expect. Firstly, it’s a beautiful disk - engraved with a small landscape of WuYi mountains and characters. Teak coloured with tawny highlights. And then, there is that intense aroma - warm baking chocolate, sweet and rich. The tea itself is a deep golden brew, toasty, hazel-nutty and slightly winey. This seems to be a perfect Autumn tea and a good buy, as well. Following Tea Spring’s brewing suggestions, this bing will last for quite a while! Yummy! I think I’ll buy some more!

    Jeanna (Shen) (9/16/2007)
    grate deal. for the price im buying 3 more today !!!!!!

    ryan (9/12/2007)
    I was very pleased with this tea, and the price is excellent. The leaves had a rich cocoa aroma when I put them in a heated gai wan. It was mild, a sweet finish on the tongue, and notes of chocolate. I will be buying more.

    Alex (8/22/2007)
    A very sweet, rich oolong in a very interesting package. This is a very solid cake that will yield quite a good amount of tea.

    Richard (8/10/2007)

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