Payment Options
We accept all major credit cards including VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB.
We also accept Paypal payment as an alternative to paying by credit card.
All listed prices are in US dollars.
Adding An Item Into Your Shopping Bag
To place an item into your shopping bag, you must first go into the product description page. To do this, simply click on the
product you are interested in from the product catalog page. Then, follow the steps below (refer to Diagram 1):
| |  Diagram 1
A. | Click on the Size & Price Options selection box to view and select the size that you want. |
B. | Select the quantity to order. |
C. | Click the "Add to Cart" button. |
Updating Your Shopping Bag And Checking Out
Your shopping bag is located in the upper right hand side of any page. All items added to your shopping bag are listed here.
The Update Bag and Checkout buttons will only appear when you have placed at least one item into your shopping bag.
| |  Diagram 2
A. | ORDER AMOUNT INFORMATION Section A contains information about the total number of items in your shopping cart, the standard shipping charges and the total amount of your order (inclusive of the shipping charges). |
B & C. | CHANGING ORDER QUANTITY & REMOVING ITEMS You may change the order quantities by entering a desired number on the input box next to the product (see section B). Once done, click the Update Bag button. To remove any items from the shopping bag, simply set its quantity to zero and click the "Update Bag" button. |
D. | CHECKOUT Once you're done with your shopping, please click the 'Checkout' button. |
More Information
If you still cannot find the answer to your question, please contact
us. Our Customer Service department will make every effort to respond to your message within 24 hours.