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  Chinese Oolong Tea
Flowery sweet aroma combined with a pleasantly sweet aftertaste, Chinese Oolong tea never loses its appeal no matter how often you drink it. Chinese Oolong tea increases your body energy, promotes metabolism, controls obesity and helps to regulate ageing.
  Chinese Oolong Tea
  • Bai Hao Oolong  
  • Bai Ji Guan  
  • Beidou No 1  
  • Da Hong Pao  (3 types)
  • Dan Cong  (3 types)
  • Dong Ding Oolong  
  • Gui Hua Oolong  
  • Huang Guan Yin  
  • Huang Jin Gui  
  • Jiu Long Pao  
  • Lan Gui Ren  
  • Nai Xiang Oolong  
  • Rou Gui  
  • Shui Xian  (2 types)
  • Tie Guan Yin  (3 types)
  • Tie Luo Han  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha 90s  
  • Wu Yi Yan Cha Bing  
  • Yong Chun Fo Shou  
    Lan Gui Ren
    Lan Gui Ren
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Lan Gui Ren
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    Questo tea posso definirlo veramente simpatico! il sapore è deciso ma snza esagerare l´aroma molto piacevole una bevanda enrgetica ottima da bere in mattinata.

    Tommaso (5/25/2021)
    this tea is delicately sweet and energy giving. supports me through the work day. I enjoy its delicate colour of leaves and its liquor.

    Marika (4/13/2021)
    Lan Gui Ren is a tried and true tea that with years of drinking it became a "go to" - i love its first brew intensity, the second´s honest strength, the third´s delicacy. Drinking subsequent infusions in succession is a treat of its own.

    Marika (3/18/2021)
    One of the teas I return to again and again - just like Yunnan Pure Gold, which I would be saying the same about! I like brewing this great Lan Gui Ten tea at stronger ratios - it easily takes several infusions at quick time! A keeper! Already ordered more!

    Marika (10/7/2020)
    Lan Gui Ren enchants by bright and gentle sweetness, strength of liquor, promise of energy

    Marika (8/4/2020)
    Over the years I came to love this tea - it is not a tea for any time of day, but sometimes one just knows what´s next: lan gui ren

    Marika (5/14/2020)
    This tea´s pleasing aroma won me over once i started brewing licorice root for daily tea. I also appreciate what it takes to create it. Will keep ordering it. If holds me whole while driving to work sipping it. Dreaming of more later.

    Marika (12/27/2019)
    After years of taking a break from this tea (i did like it back then as well!) I feel that today the "good" rating is due to its a bit overly sweet licorice-y taste - everything else about it is great - beautiful colour of its liquor, good clean taste.

    Marika (1/19/2018)
    This was my first tea from teaspring, and i liked it very much. Nice, smooth, sweet ginseng taste, refreshing. There is only one minor negative thing: the 4th-5th brewing does not have the intensity that i hoped.

    Attila (11/14/2014)
    Насыщенный вкус и аромат, прекрасный чай на каждый день.

    Alena (5/13/2014)
    Very good tea! Thanks))) All my family and loved ones people liked the taste of this tea!

    Denis (3/7/2014)
    Great tea, with a rich taste. Ginseng leaves pronounced aftertaste. Invigorates and gives strength is much stronger than any coffee! I highly recommend

    Nina (3/8/2013)
    The first time I brewed this tea it was strong and distinctive and I could clearly taste the liquorice and the ginseng. This does not taste very much like other oolongs. When I brewed the tea again (with new leaves) it tasted of almost nothing... I don´t know why.

    Matthew (12/4/2012)
    Magnificent tea! Can be Toped up with water 9 times and it is still delicious. Greatest quality product.

    Elena (11/6/2012)
    purchased for all my family members! excellent tea aroma! enjoyed it every day! better to taste than to speak about it =))

    Dmitry (9/18/2012)
    Excellent tea. I agree with others that the liquorice is a little strong.

    Braden (1/11/2012)
    I don´t like the taste of this tea, maybe other person like it. sorry

    Triawan (12/28/2011)
    Strong and Bodied as is; lasting multiple infusions. This tea is no hype though. This is good oolong, lasting and worth the interest at the price.

    Christopher (12/24/2011)
    Прочитала, что чай - женский. Ничего подобного, я женщина и мне вкус не понравился. Во-первых, мне он сильно пахнет лекарственной солодкой, а не орхидеей, а во-вторых, слишком много мусора в этом чае, больше брать не буду.

    Olga (12/11/2011)
    Sweet and pleasant, but nothing special. It just isn´t as good as I expected, especially considering that liquorice, ginseng, and oolong are among my favorite things.

    Piradej (3/25/2011)
    Good tea. A little earthy flavor with very sweet aftertaste.

    Anna (9/10/2010)
    This tea is quite tasty and one of the better scented teas i´ve had. The aftertaste is unusual but very good! Lasts for several infusions.

    Terje (9/2/2010)
    My all-time favourite.It has strong taste so don´t overbrew it.

    Pavel (6/25/2010)
    I like this tea, has a different (almost nutty) flavor. It is one you should try.

    Wayne (9/4/2009)
    This is an easy to like tea even though not among my favorite. My friends like it very much and it is nice to offer as a tea with lots of easy taste.

    Terje (8/19/2009)
    This tea was what I expected and more. I could not discern if the sweetness was from the licorice or ginseng. I could not taste both, but the sweetness is what I desired in the aftertaste. What surprised me was the amount of times I could steep the leaves and still have acceptable flavour. I would highly recommend this tea.

    Benjamin (7/26/2009)
    Представьте себе, этот чай и сладок (благодаря лакрице) и имеет освежающее послевкусие. Любимым женщинам это должно понравиться!

    Sergey (3/31/2009)
    Лучший чай для любимой женщины!!!!

    Sergey (3/10/2009)
    My friend brought back some of this tea with her from China, and everyone she´s shared it with has absolutely loved it. Anytime we have a get together, we ask if she´s brought "the tea" (since we could never remember what it was called), and so when I finally found it here I was thrilled. This is a very different tea - a lovely flavour and then this strangely sweet, honey-like aftertaste that lingers. My absolute favourite. :)

    Amber (2/12/2009)
    Wonderful! This is my second time purchase. Love the taste, after drinking the tea, it left the sweetness at yr throat...

    Jing Jing (1/9/2009)
    simple and good. a good tea for daily use. if your water quality is low, this tea is still ok. several brews possible according to water quality

    Joachim (10/3/2008)
    this is a nice addition to anyones tea stash... i enjoy to try combining similar teas and varying quantities, the Lan Gui Ren brings a slightly sweet aftertaste to this... i dont enjoy it straight as it becomes more of a sweetened beverage since the licorice and ginseng overpower the tea.. i great to mix with the green wu long teas...

    Robert (8/16/2008)
    this is my second time buying this tea. it is a little more bitter than i remember but it still has that special aftertaste i enjoy with this tea.

    Joseph (5/4/2008)
    this is a very surprisingly delicious tea ! It has a very unique finish that resembles a black oolong (it may very well be a black oolong for all i know).. to me, it has a licorice type of finish

    Joseph (1/4/2008)
    This tea here , well is not really a tea , if it is there is very little of the real tea leaf in it , the masters of China would frown big time on this , like jasmin tea , its flovored and covers up the taste of the tea . I asked for it and i got it . I was looking for the sweet taste of the ginseng , sometimes its infused with King’s tea and works out well , but with this one its infused with licorice , its good if you like candy . Infuse in a tea pot or something wide to allow the nuggets to open .once again for the price it was good we get what we pay for and ask for .

    Lance (12/20/2007)
    very interesting tea. i really enjoyed the flavor and scent. Im not sure if it matters, but some of the leaves would not open fully, so i don’t know if that affects the tea

    John (12/13/2007)
    This last batch could have been better; the tea leaves barely expand and so there wasn’t much tea taste

    Toni (11/20/2007)
    One of my favorites (although I have tasted better Lan Gui Rens otherwise). But value for price here is outstanding.

    Simon (10/16/2007)
    This is hands-down my favourite tea. I can’t get enough of the sweet after taste

    Toni (5/25/2007)
    Excellent tea. I really enjoy it as do my children. I will be ordering it again.

    Evelyn (5/3/2007)
    I was introduced to this tea on a trip in China. I just love it. I had a hard time finding it again, but was happy when I stumbled upon this website. The tea has an aftertaste that keeps me coming back for more. With a hint of licorice and an all around smooth flavor, it is a household favorite.

    Evelyn (4/20/2007)
    Very good, but a little on the sweet side as compared to others of its kind. It has a wonderful finish!

    fredrick a jenet (1/27/2007)
    a good daily tea, fresh and with good flavour

    Ricardo (1/3/2007)
    My favourite.

    Toni (12/10/2006)
    Sweet and easy to brew, this tea has been a favorite with my friends!

    Jennifer (12/5/2006)
    Nice flavor, forgiving during brewing. An easy tea to drink!

    Jennifer (12/5/2006)
    I didn’t love this one. Liquorice, orchids, ginseng and oolong are all good, but maybe not rolled into one neat little package in my teacup. I liked the scent, which was incense-like, more than the taste.

    Laila (11/12/2006)
    This is my favorite tea. I discovered a version in Guangzhou, China on a trip a few years ago. TeaSpring’s is not quite as strong or sweet, but it is an excellent Oolong with a mild sweet ginseng aftertaste. I drink it nearly every day.

    Jeff (10/19/2006)
    New favorite tea. Sweet, lingering aftertaste. The leaves unfurl from the pellets and the sweetness diminishes with subsquent infusions. I am happy.

    Alexis (10/7/2006)
    This is not the Lan Gui Ren that made me fall in love with the tea. I understand that the real tea-wonk looks down on those who flirt with the flavored greens. I am not a real tea-wonk. I love flavored teas. I like trying new ones. I’m a bit disappointed in this tea. Last year I bought TeaSpring’s Lan Gui Ren and was enchanted by the aroma and the sweetness of the follow-thru. This year, there’s less of that. It’s still a delightful oolong and I’m on my third infusion right now.

    Alexis (10/7/2006)
    strange tea. good. similar as a japonese tea. very fresh. it is good.

    Ricardo (10/5/2006)
    Another great batch. This has got to be my favourite type of tea!

    Toni (8/20/2006)
    Very nice, the taste is subtle and smooth. I especially like the sweet aftertaste.

    Toni (7/26/2006)
    I have had this tea and enjoyed it. However my last batch was terrible. It has a very strong licorice flavor.

    Greg (1/24/2006)
    Great tea, first tasted in China.

    Filippo (1/15/2006)
    Very interesting flavor

    Valeriano (9/4/2005)

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