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  Chinese Herbal Tea
Looking for a caffeine-free alternative? Try Chinese Herbal tea. Chinese Herbal tea contains herbal tisanes formulated to taste delicious and refreshing while helping to keep your mind relaxed and body rejuvenated.
  Chinese Herbal Tea
  • Buckwheat Tea  (2 types)
  • Chrysanthemum  (4 types)
  • Eight Treasures Tea No 1  
  • Gingko and Green Tea Blend  
  • Honeysuckle Flower  
  • Jasmine Bud  
  • Jiao Gu Lan  
  • Kuding Tea  
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  • Osmanthus Flower  
  • Qian Ri Hong  
  • Red Rosebud  
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    Red Rosebud
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    Red Rosebud
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Red Rosebud
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    If you like tea from Rosebud - this one is THE best!!!!!

    Eugene (8/29/2015)
    I had not tried these rosebuds from Tea Spring yet and I am very pleasantly surprised. They are very clean and have a very strong fragrance. I sometimes add them to white tea for a cooling drink in the hear of summer - with or without a few goji berries as a sweetener. For me this is a very satisfying drink. The only thing I might have preferred is for these lovely rosebuds to be organic, but I am definitely enjoying them as they are. If you like rose fragrance or flavour, try them.

    Leon (6/17/2014)
    The rosebuds are very pretty. Not my favorite herbal tea but it´s a nice addition to the mix. Good value.

    Shehzad (7/31/2011)
    I love red rosebuds, really sweet and lovely on their own, with a magnificent smell. Also wonderful when mixed with black tea.

    Jenni (4/19/2011)
    the taste is sweet, light. well makes perfect cup when brewed separately.

    kseniya (3/12/2011)
    I decided to buy it b/c I finished all the rosebuds I bought in China. I am really disappointed with the rosebud size and the lack of aroma. The ones I bought in China are so much bigger and more pink than the ones I ordered from here. Usually I only use 3 rosebuds and the tea already has such a strong aroma. I tried to use 8 rosebuds ( and I can barely smell anything. Not worth it!

    Ruiping (12/31/2010)
    I think that I should not have ordered it. Quality product at a high level, but though the tea may not be combined.

    Anton (11/28/2010)
    This tea is very pleasing. I really like. I will recommend this tea to everybody!

    costel (9/10/2010)
    This Tea is a mush have for mixing, it also makes for a nice relaxing evening tea.

    eric (7/14/2010)
    Very fragrant bodied buds, with a very sweet taste.

    Christopher (7/3/2010)
    shipping is fast.. Now I am drinking the tea. I like it. thanks

    Xiaoning (4/24/2010)
    I was surprised by the taste of this tea. I had had roses in different herbal blends before, but never had I had plain rose tea. It was quite soothing.

    James (4/15/2010)
    These beautifully formed buds make a delicious tea. It only takes a few buds for a wonderful taste.

    Diane (3/11/2010)
    When brewed the air is filled with the scent of roses. A wonderfully sweet aroma. When I want to treat myself I brew a cup of rosebuds. Goes magnificently with black and green and white teas, but only if you remember that a little goes a long way.

    Jenni (8/6/2009)
    The taste is Wonderfully sweet and flowery. Quenches my thirst and sweettooth.

    Jenni (5/26/2009)
    does not have a lot of taste, but looks great when brewed.

    Yun (3/24/2009)
    It´s a good choice to drink with white tea. The fragrance of rose last lang time.

    Zhou (3/18/2009)
    Nice to mix with Chrysanthemum. Very good herb tea!

    Sergey (2/10/2009)
    I expected more of a rose flavor, but is very light.

    Jodi (9/23/2008)
    Very well packaged. The taste is wonderful, especially with the green tea. I think they are good match.

    Joan (7/24/2008)
    Well... it rose, so it tastes rose. Great to mix with gunpowder or pouchong tea.

    Oskar (5/31/2008)
    Gorgeous fragrant rose buds. Nice to mix with other herb teas or to drink alone.

    Eveanne (4/17/2008)
    This tea is nice and easy to drink. It is relaxing after a hard days work. I would recommended this tea to anyone

    Andy (2/29/2008)
    I’ve been using rose tea for a very long time and purchased it all over the world. This one came from China and has an excellent aroma and a light pink color. It imparts a wonderful flavor as it steeps and some of the flowers open completely. The tea arrived in a timely fashion, nicely packaged in trays inserted into cellophane bags that prevent crushing.

    nava (1/6/2008)
    Oh my! This tea is lovely. I used 20 rosebuds for 8 oz. of water and steeped for 7 minutes. The flavor and aroma are heavenly. Also wonderful mixed with green tea.

    vicki (1/2/2008)
    Not as flowery as I expected but makes a good addition to green teas.

    Alex (12/5/2007)
    This is a good addition to my Yunnan Dian Hong (black) tea. It enhances the natural floural fragrence of the tea nicely. Only wish the rose scent is a little bit stronger, but overall, still a very good tea companion.

    Melody (11/21/2007)
    As always, The product is as advertised and delivered in great condition.

    James (9/4/2007)
    This has a lovely fragrance and I like it best when brewed with another tea

    Toni (5/25/2007)
    not as rose-y as i thought it would be, though the last time i had rose tea was a while ago...

    Sara (5/22/2007)
    Probably I do something wrong, but If you drink it without anything else its not very good.

    Christian (4/30/2007)
    The flavour is what I expected, But I wasn’t expecting it to be so potent. I advise using in sparse portions

    Alex (4/26/2007)
    love the smell and flavour. really good to soak your feet into too.

    Cynthia (3/27/2007)
    Naturally sweet. Great at the end of a stressful day. I love to mix it with my White tea. I went through 50 grams faster than I thought - I’m buying more already. This will be a staple for me. I’m so glad I found it!

    christina (1/28/2007)
    This was my first experience with rosebud tea, and it is outstanding. My Chinese doctor highly recommends this tea as well, so it is a win-win! What a wonderful color this tea makes - and the taste equals the the appearance.

    michael (1/18/2007)
    Fast dellivery and highest quality I’ve ever had for Rose Bud tea.

    Ed (1/5/2007)
    Beautiful, delicate, and with a sweet flavor!

    Jennifer (12/5/2006)

    Christine (9/19/2006)
    I’m not a herbal tea drinker, so I bought these in order to blend with my other teas. I can sincerely recommend using these rosebuds along with a white or a green tea.

    anon (9/9/2006)
    Good quality.

    min (6/13/2006)
    Now I’ve bought some to give to my friends, I’m sure they’ll love it too!

    Tom (5/27/2006)
    Mild and sweet, great taste!

    Tom (5/27/2006)
    Sweet rosebud tea. Use very hot water to bring out the flavor.

    Kristin (3/20/2006)
    This fresh and subtly sweet-taste resebud is purely a heaven! I drink it every day now and it is so refreshing. I heard red rosebud is very good for women’s beauty and health; now I believe so. Girls, stay away from coke and drink more rosebud tea, and you will see the difference. :-) --Nanyun

    Nanyun (3/19/2006)
    The Red Rosebud tea is so excellent that i have ordered it for friends. My friends also enjoy this tea.

    ESTHER (2/4/2006)
    The more i buy and use it the better it is..

    ESTHER (2/4/2006)
    I liked the Red Rosebud tea. It’s a mild taste, but it’s very sweet and again the tea is smooth.

    Kamela (1/19/2006)
    I love this tea. I have searched for rosebuds that I could make tea out of that are free of pesticides and this tea is wonderful. It doesn’t need anything added it is great on its own.

    Renee (1/7/2006)

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